Scripture: Isaiah 43:19: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
Reflection: Have you ever held a promise close, turning it over in your mind, wondering when it would come true? Perhaps it's a dream for your career, a hope for healing, or a longing for deeper connection. Like watching paint dry, sometimes it feels like God's promises take forever to materialize. But Isaiah 43:19 reminds us that His faithfulness is not static; it's a vibrant symphony playing out right before our eyes.
He isn't simply guaranteeing future blessings; He's actively crafting a new reality, paving paths in the wilderness and carving rivers in the desert. The question isn't "will He fulfill His promises?" but "am I open to participating in their unfolding?"
Prayer: Lord, forgive my impatience. Forgive me for getting caught up in how and when You work, instead of simply trusting in Your love and sovereignty. Open my eyes to see the new things You're already doing, the seeds of promise sprouting in the dust of my circumstances. Give me the courage to step out in faith, to cooperate with Your plan, and to experience the joy of living in the fulfillment of Your promises.
What is one concrete step you can take today to move forward in faith and partner with God in bringing His promises to life? Write it down, pray about it, and watch His faithfulness surprise you!
Remember, dear friend, God's promises are not passive rewards; they are invitations to a journey, a partnership in transformation. As we step out in faith, even amidst the barren landscapes of our lives, He makes rivers to flow and paths to emerge, leading us ever closer to the full blossoming of His love and purpose. Let today be the day you choose to actively walk in the fulfillment of His promises.
Written by: Shane Lents